Online Botanical Soap Making Course N

Learn how to make beautiful handmade soaps in your own home.

This delightful course will guide you through the process with detailed step-by-step instructions and recipes.

You'll soon discover that you too can make beautiful natural bars of soap that your skin will love.

If you've always loved the idea of making your own natural soaps, but didn't know where to start, don't put it off any longer. 

Most of the ingredients to make soap are found in the food aisles of your supermarket, and even the equipment isn't complicated!

Just a stick blender, a thermometer and a stainless steel pot...and in less than an hour, you have soap!

What you'll get:

  • 6 Step by Step video lessons teaching you how to make creamy natural soaps. Once you have learned the basics, we move onto the more creative side of the process building on techniques and ingredients (Value $195)
  • Botanical Soap Making eBook including all the recipes, techniques and fragrance combinations (Value $17)
  • Lifetime Access to the course so you can learn at your own pace and revisit the videos and materials whenever you need to
  • 4 BONUS step by step videos that teach you even more creative soap making techniques (Value $95)
  • 7 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can buy with peace of mind
  • Full support If you have a question, I will answer it a.s.a.p.

Total Value $297

Today's price $97.00 AUD

What People Are Saying:

I have loved all the Little River Kitchen classes I have done, particularly the soap and cheese making which I continue to successfully make at home many months later. Sharon provides relaxed, informative and very enjoyable courses. Her helpful, friendly manner ensures that you come away from the sessions with a wealth of knowledge, newly acquired skills and a warm fuzzy feeling of having done something good for yourself.

Kathy Johnson

"As someone who had wanted to learn how to make soap for years, I was so happy to find this course. I always thought the process to be too scary to have a go on my own. Sharon soon proved what a misconception that was! She does a fantastic job of guiding us step by step through the process, sharing her expertise, comprehensive knowledge and helpful tips".

Ciara Knox

Get the Botanical Soap Making Course Today For $97.00

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Grab the Soap Making Oil Substitutions Guide, so you can experiment using different oils in your soap making with confidence!